Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rock and Roll is here to stay

Remember how much fun it was to ride roller coasters and how you said you never wanted to stop?  (Yeah, me neither.)  And how you wanted your dad to go really fast so the speedboat left the water momentarily and went slapping down hard on the surface? (Hated that, too.) 

Or the absolute thrills of the prop plane ride from Charlottesville to Dulles where the plane creaks and shudders and you’re pretty sure it won’t fall apart because, actually, what choice do you have?  Meanwhile, the plane goes one way and your stomach goes the other.

Yes, it is remarkable how much sailing feels like that plane ride today.  Only there are no “fasten seat belts” signs and we are going about our business as usual.  We went through a rough patch last night and I got out the seasickness pills just in case.  So far, so good—I’m one of the lucky ones.

Lots of people sporting The Patch as a fashion accessory this morning and the occasional shriek as we take a nose dive or there’s a particularly loud CRAAAACK.   The sea doesn’t look rough—it’s a beautiful sunny day and the swells don’t look bad—but we are moving unpredictably through all three dimensions.

There was a karaoke night in the faculty lounge a few days ago.  Perhaps next we should try mechanical bull riding?  That is, if anyone is venturing up to Deck 7.  The higher you go in the ship, the more pronounced the changes are.   We have nightly seminars in the Union (on Deck 6) and it’s a distinct challenge for the faculty members who teach them.  And I’ve been told running on the treadmills (also Deck 6) is an art form unto itself. 

By all reports, worse weather is on the way.  Should be entertaining!


  1. We awoke to snow and cold winds in Charlottesville. Lousy here and there, it seems. Next week promises warmer temps. Is knowing how to swim a requirement for participating in this kind of voyage?

    1. Evidently, only for the volleyballs and occasion napkins that fly off the ship. It's a long way down, and an even longer way to shore!

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  3. duplicate entry ... very odd ... must be operator error
