Monday, January 7, 2013

Chillaxin at the Hampton

Here's Pierre in a bed that's pretty much the size of the stateroom we will move into tomorrow.  Last chance for free internet, at least for a while.  The room is typical hotel, but they've put me next to the housekeeping staff/laundry.

I can't figure out how to move pictures from my phone to the computer.  Instructions don't match the options available on my phone.  I guess that means the phone doesn't work as a backup camera, unless I want to pull the SD card every time.

Lots to figure out.   I couldn't upload the last blogpost from email (file too large).  I hope the IT people have both expertise with Macs and patience!

I met my boss and got my name badge today.  The name badge is magnetic (so it won't destroy clothes) and I was warned not to let it near my room key.  Or my flashdrive?

Orientation starts Monday at 0800.  I've been up for 24 hours now, so I should wake up on Pacific time, right?  Tomorrow's agenda is orientation, move bags to the ship, settle in, farewell reception, and sail off with the city lights astern at 2300.   I wonder how far out to sea we will go.  Our destination is Ensenada, only 60 miles or so south in Baja California.  The students and lifelong learners will be bused there Tuesday and then it's west to Hawaii, picking up three extra hours in a week.

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