Monday, January 7, 2013

Day 1: Flying to my destiny

Today was goodbyes and hellos as I left Charlottesville for San Diego.  After a heroic effort to get me packed and put the house into a semblance of order, my daughter saw me off at the airport shortly before leaving town herself.  Goodbye little house, wiedersehen kleine Maus.  Before I even got out of the car, I saw my first Semester at Sea pal Mary, who sported her puffy down coat and broad brimmed hat, as promised on Facebook.  The faculty and staff and lifelong learners have formed a lively community on FB, sharing questions, answers, and hints for our voyage.

I felt very much like a bag lady, carrying everything I will use for the next four months.  In comparison to others, my load was modest (1 checked bag, 1 carryon, and a tote big enough to hold my purse and computer).  I easily came under the 50# limit for the checked duffel.  Among these pieces, plus my coat and fleece jacket, there are easily 25 pockets, and managing them was clearly beyond my capabilities today.  I did manage to lose track of my phone, finding it only after I pushed the baggage claim lady to push the ticket agent lady to push the flight steward person to go look for it and not use the rather lame excuse "the flight is boarding."  Yes, you didn't see it.  Neither did I.  But if you look really, really carefully, perhaps you will find it exactly where I left it.  Good advice, and that's JUST where it was--one of those pockets.  Crisis averted.  Proud of myself for being assertive, annoyed that I cannot be trusted even for one day.

Pierre, however, lost his shoe before we ever left Charlottesville.  I have hopes of finding it one day in the depths of a bag, or perhaps in my car.  Coincidentally, this note was waiting from my sister:  

>>I hope you also brought a little needle and thread along. Is Pierre still on the verge of losing one of those irreplaceable shoes?>>

I skipped the SAS reception tonight to have a visit with my nephew and take a walk on Coronado Island with him and his two boys.  Fun evening, and nice to get some fresh air.  Pierre stayed home, chillaxing on a bed almost as big as the stateroom we will move into tomorrow.

Today's sunrise (taken from the window of a plane heading west) and sunset (on the beautiful beach by the Hotel Del) were not spectacular, but they mark Day 1, with many chances for improvement.

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