Monday, March 25, 2013

Arch parts (from) the seas

We all knew this day was coming, but we still weren’t prepared.  Goodbyes are like that.  This last week has been full of requests for Arch’s time in classes, for photos with Arch, for movies featuring Arch, to show Arch movies he is in, to get Arch’s autograph.  His assistant Nancy (my boss Jim’s wife) serves as Arch’s gatekeeper, trying to preserve some private time and some rest time (he is 82, after all), balanced against his desire to say yes to as many people as possible.  It’s been a tough week.

I got my Arch time in early in the voyage, and I’ve enjoyed watching him from a little distance.  He loves the students and they love him, and there’s a little buzz that accompanies him everywhere.  When Arch dances, people circle him to film him dancing.  When he moves through a crowd, the seas part.  When we took our group picture, students who had staked out front and center willingly gave up their spaces to Arch.

His last day on the ship happened to be Palm Sunday, and he celebrated Communion with us.  Christine, the Resident Director in charge of spirituality, arranged to get crosses, lovingly made for us by several churches in Mauritius.  The kitchen offered communion wafers, but Arch prefers bread.  Mass for 400 is quite a production, even abbreviated.  Arch gave a small sermon (message:  God loves you, just because you’re you) and we all stumbled over the South African Anglican prayers, which are not quite like the ones back home. 

The Palm Sunday service was followed immediately by preport, where we officially said goodbye to Arch with a very touching video put together by the communications team.  (Again, our internet connection prevents my uploading it.)  His last hurrah was singing along with Doc Micah to “Don’t worry, be healthy.”

The one thing missing for me was a picture of Arch with Nancy.  For me, she was so much a part of his shipboard life.  She and Jim ate with him frequently, they had communion with him every Sunday in his cabin.  As a self-proclaimed shy person, Arch counted on Nancy to make things a little easier.
I asked her if she –after all the pictures she helped other people get—had gotten a picture with him.  No, she said, but that was okay.  She had lots of pictures of him with other people.  No, no, no, she said, it was okay.

For her, maybe.  It was not okay for me.  I asked her, would she be angry if I asked Arch for a picture of them?

Of course he said yes.  

I’ve taken thousands of pictures on this voyage.  This one will be one of my favorites.  I hope it will also be one of hers.

Crew members with Arch and Leah's luggage--and balloon menagerie

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lynn, I have just now found your blog! This is lovely, it gave me tears, yes I do love your picture (thanks!), and I miss you!
    with love,
